Saturday, September 6, 2008

Feeling lovesick?

I read in an article recently (EDIT: this one) that, when we fall in love, our serotonin levels fall, just like in depression, and this is what makes us never stop thinking about the other person. I suppose you know the feeling: you try to force yourself to think about other things but can't seem to get it right, all your brain seems to be able to focus on is your beloved one, and it's nothing but negative thoughts. Well, apart from psychological help, it seems we're also able to target those hormones playing all these tricks to your brain! :)

First off, serotonin levels increase by exposure to daylight. Which means: go out in the sun as much as you can! :)

Second, it also increases by exercising. Combining this with the above, try playing your favorite outdoor sport, and relaxing in the sun when you feel tired.

Third: As Wikipedia-sensei informed me, an enzyme called tryptophan has the ability to increase serotonin levels. Which means, go ahead and eat chocolate, eggs, parmesan cheese, and other foods rich in tryptophan. Don't worry about the calories, just exercise enough! :P

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